I took my amateur radio license exams for the Technician and General class licenses today through the W5YI Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) organization. It was about as painless as taking a test could be. The coordinator emailed me ahead of time wth the exact procedures to be followed, Zoom meeting info, and so forth.
At the appointed hour, I logged into the Zoom meeting and waited. They schedule several examinees for the same time period, but each is handled in turn, so I waited for about 15-20 minutes until it was my turn. Once the VEs let me into the Zoom virtual conference room, I was asked to pan and tilt my laptop around the room I was in (I used my living room) to prove that there were no study materials, other people, etc that could compromise the test. The guys were thorough, even asking me to show them a few areas a second time, so they could be sure there were no relevant materials in view.
I then screen shared my desktop, so the VEs could verify that I had no exam materials or other windows open on my desktop. They then got me logged in to the ExamTools website and authorized the exam.
I studied with HamStudy.org, which is associated with ExamTools, so the interface looked pretty much identical. Taking the actual exam felt just like the dozen or so practice exams I took on HamStudy. I passed the Technician exam with ease. As with all ham radio exams, passing one element allows you take the next element at no additional cost. studied for the General class test, so I happily had the VEs load up that exam. Fortunately, I also passed that one with relative ease. After a brief round of congratulations from the VEs, I logged off.
A couple hours later, I received my Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) from the coordinating VE:
Now the waiting games begins. W5YI VEC will electronically send the successful examination to the FCC for my license to be issued, but I can’t operate until it posts on the FCC’s Universal Licensing System, or ULS.
Waiting, waiting… More to come.